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Get Webhook endpoints

This method allows a user to get the list of all webhook endpoints.

Query Parameters
pageable object REQUIRED
chartEnabled boolean
Header Parameters

The timezone header is optional. If provided, the header value will be applied to the API response's date and time fields. If the timezone header is not included, the default UTC timezone will be used and returned to the response.



totalPages int32 OPTIONAL
totalElements int64 OPTIONAL
size int32 OPTIONAL
content object[] OPTIONAL
id int64 OPTIONAL
url string OPTIONAL
enabledEvents object[] OPTIONAL
webhookEventType string OPTIONAL
secret string OPTIONAL
dateEventCountMap object OPTIONAL
status string OPTIONAL
createdAt date-time OPTIONAL
number int32 OPTIONAL
sort object OPTIONAL
empty boolean OPTIONAL
sorted boolean OPTIONAL
unsorted boolean OPTIONAL
numberOfElements int32 OPTIONAL
pageable object OPTIONAL
offset int64 OPTIONAL
sort object OPTIONAL
empty boolean OPTIONAL
sorted boolean OPTIONAL
unsorted boolean OPTIONAL
unpaged boolean OPTIONAL
paged boolean OPTIONAL
pageSize int32 OPTIONAL
pageNumber int32 OPTIONAL
first boolean OPTIONAL
last boolean OPTIONAL
empty boolean OPTIONAL